Grrr, Better to Eat You With …

Dinosaur Teeth

Six Word Saturday

Photo Credit:©️2024 Deb L. Waters … All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i with Canon EF 75-300 mm lens.

Settings: f5.6 • 1/3 • 75mm • ISO3200

Location: Dinosaur Exhibits; The Schiele Museum of Natural History; Gastonia, North Carolina, USA

God Bless. Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all very much.

2 responses to “Grrr, Better to Eat You With …”

  1. Glad I’m not red riding hood 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Hammad, definitely not a wolf.

      Liked by 1 person

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