2024 Weekend Sky: 05.11

Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis

A Rare Moment
Viewing the Northern Lights
Aurora Borealis

Hammad’s Weekend Sky

God Bless. Thank you for visiting and sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all very much.

4 responses to “2024 Weekend Sky: 05.11”

  1. I was up late, however, I didn’t stay up till 2 am when it was supposed to be visible till. It was visible from the Northeast down to the Southeast of South Carolina. The shots are from several different locations, trying to find clearer locations.


  2. […] 2024 Weekend Sky: 05.11 – Gfpacificbee’s Insights & photography [Many thanks to Debs for capturing last night’s Aurora Borealis] […]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my gorgeous!

    I read the news this morning about the powerful solar storm hitting the Northern side of the continental USA.

    And judging from these mesmerizing captures, it seems to me you were up late to watch the show 🙂

    Thank you so very much for sharing these with my challenge, Deb 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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