Contrasting B/W and Colorful Windows Squared

Hotel del Coronado

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The Hotel Del Coronado has been a living legend for more than One Hundred Thirty (130) years. It has proudly hosted U.S. Presidents, movie stars, celebrities, and royalty as well as many beach loving guests (tourists and locals) for many many decades of generations throughout history.

With Non-Squared

B/W & Color Windows

The Hotel del Coronado was built in 1888 after much dreaming, planning, and inspiration of its founders Elisha Babcock and Hampton Story. Babcock and Story enlisted a local San Diego developer, Alonzo Horton to help them survey Coronado beach in 1886. The natural beauty of Coronado inspired the founders to buy the island and build the magnificent hotel.

Babcock and Story created the Coronado Beach Company and then proceeded to establish several enterprises to support and develop the Coronado Community. Those enterprises included a ferry company, a water company, a railroad company, and an electrical power plant.

Construction began on the hotel in 1887 with approximately 250 men working the construction crew. It was built entirely wood using many different types from across the United States. The lumber used included Douglas Fir for framing, California Redwood for its exterior siding; hemlock and cedar was also made available for use. The Hotel’s lobby featured Illinois White Oak while the Crown Room ceiling was done with Oregon’s Sugar Pine. Each type of lumber was selected for their unique qualities to enhance the hotel’s beauty and ensure its longevity.

Coronado Island and The Hotel del Coronado are wonderful places to visit. The beautiful landscape, the beautiful ocean views, the stunning elegance of the hotel are sites to behold and experience. I have to admit I have never stayed in the hotel (too rich for my blood), however I have visited and walked along the beach with friends. A truly wonderful experience for sure and for certain.

Monochrome Madness-Windows

Ludwig’s Monday Window

Photo Credit:©️2024 Amanda Waters Beagles (my niece) … All Rights Reserved.

Location: Hotel del Coronado; Coronado, California, USA

God Bless. Thank you for visiting and sharing your time and thoughts with us. I appreciate y’all very much.

5 responses to “Contrasting B/W and Colorful Windows Squared”

  1. […] Contrasting B/W and Colorful Windows Squared […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is a magnificent place

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Ludwig! It certainly is at that.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, that place is amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It is amazing and stunningly beautiful.

      Liked by 1 person

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