Stunning Views From Atop Stone Mountain

Further Adventures @Stone Mountain

As I continue to look back on time through the digitization process of my dad’s old slides I am reminded and am amazed by the wonderful world we live in and the freedom we have to create/recreate and share our experiences, our memories with others.

The slideshow is a digital representation of our adventures visiting Stone Mountain Park in Georgia. We, my family and extended family all came together to share togetherness while enjoying ourselves at Stone Mountain. My immediate family drove out from California, my paternal grandfather, from South Carolina, joined my dad’s sister and her family from North Carolina to visit the most popular attraction in Georgia, Stone Mountain Park.

We rode the Skyride to the top of Stone Mountain and the views were amazing. We could see the surrounding landscape, the parking lot, the other attractions in the park, blue waters of the lake & the pond, and the blue skies above. The most amazing part is that we were able to see the wondrous views together as a family.

Debbie’s Six Words Saturday

Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge-Blue

Throwback Thursday

Photo Credit:©️1972 Nornal H. Waters … All Rights Reserved.

Location: Atop Stone Mountain; Stone Mountain Park; Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA

God Bless. Thank you for visiting with us and for sharing your time and thoughts with me. Have a wonderful week ahead. I appreciate y’all very much.

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