2023 OWS: Circle

Hello, my community circle of friends. We do live in a big world in the atmosphere of Earth. We all share a common interest in a blogging universe. We want to share our voice, with the world. We may share it through our words, through our photography, or through our stories. Regardless of our methods we all share a love with our circle, our community of friends both online and in person, within our vast differences and our commonalities.

Thank y’all for being my friends, for being a part of my community, for being within my circle of friends, and sharing your photos, your gracious comments, your interests, your challenges and also your encouragement. I am blessed to be in this community, having each of you in my circle of friends. Thank you!

One Word Sunday: circle

Ragtag Daily Prompt-Community

Photo Credit: (c)Deb L. Waters

Camera: iPhone 14 Pro Max

Location: The Planetarium; Schiele Museum of Natural History and Planetarium; Gastonia, North Carolina

God Bless. Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all.

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