2023 CWWC: Any which way with people

For this week’s challenge I went off script a little using throwback photos of my mom depicting various types of transportation used way back when. Not quite sure the pathway that were used are clearly detectable or not. I might need to do an additional post that would be more accurately depict the trail, road, or paths used for traveling.

I chose these particular photos in remembrance of my mom. She would have been 92 on Wednesday. We were not close after I became an adult, but that didn’t mean I didn’t care or think about her. No matter what she was still my mom and I did love her.

Military tanks the way to travel
… Care to hop aboard
Maybe you’d prefer to travel
… in a pony cart
… Or climb on up
and ride bareback
Then again, you might prefer
… to take a walk

Cee’s Which Way Challenge – Any which way with people

Throwback Thursday

Photo Credit: ©️Deb L. Waters

God Bless. Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all very much.

4 responses to “2023 CWWC: Any which way with people”

  1. Great photos for this week 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you! I appreciate your kindness and thoughtful feedback.


  3. There are so many ways to travel – and how different the means of transport from years ago are from today’s hyper modern cars! It’s a beautiful throwback post … I just love your photos from so many years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

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