Woke Up to a Sewerage Catastrophe

I’m a little late in posting this blog post due to dealing with the aftermath of our sewage catastrophe. Wake up at daylight as per my grandson’s habit and went downstairs. Upon entering the downstairs bathroom, we (my grandson and I) noticed the toilet was backed up and had overflowed onto the flow making it impossible to use that particular bathroom facilities. Upon our discovering I tried getting the water (sludge) to drain to no avail. We then proceeded to go back upstairs to try to use the main bathroom upstairs. Come to find out that in flushing the upstairs toilet the downstairs toilet backed up and overflowed even more. So, we were in a quandary of what to do considering we could not go all day without having working bathroom facilities. We were not sure if the problem was in our apartment alone or if it was a major complex issue. In the meantime, we decided to go to the store pick up a container of RID-X and we figured we might as well pick up a few groceries while we were out. The photos below depict a small portion of our aftermath issues. I did not think you would actually want to look at the gross sewage backup catastrophe.

Upon arriving home from the store, we happened to see the complex maintenance workers and proceeded to inquire about the problematic situation. They informed us that the complex water would be turned off for approximately one hour and that they were waiting on a plumber to come and remedy the situation. Therefore, with no water and the problem as yet unresolved, we went back out to a different store to pick up a few more grocery items that were not available at the previous location.

Finally, back home again and the water back on much to our delight we could relax a little before working on the clean-up. Also, Coleman, my grandson, needed to have food prepared for him to eat. (He is almost always hungry, but then again, he is four.)

Debbie’s Six Word Saturday

I trust your day and week went better than ours. Hopefully, the rest of our work will be without any complications or unforeseen problems. Have a Blessed week. Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts with us. I appreciate y’all very much.

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