Monday Portrait: 05.06 —Burgeoning Cicadas

South Carolina has experience a burgeoning of Cicadas due to the simultaneous emergence of two large broods, Brood XIX and Brood XIII. Brood XIX is the brood that has infiltrated the Carolinas. The Brood XIX variety, also referred to as periodical cicadas, emerge every thirteen (13) years across the Midwest and the Southeast. This is said to be a once-in-a-decade event where you have this many hatched.

Magicicada septendecim

 The emergence began in April in the south and is expected to start in June in the north. The cicadas’ emergence caused a major commotion in South Carolina, with some residents calling the police to complain about the noise.

Pharaoh cicada
or the 17-year locust

The loud sounding noise that people hear is caused by male cicadas singing to attract mates after spending more than a decade underground.

Cicada exoskeleton

If you do not wish to have cicadas burgeoning in your yard or in your garden, you can spray your trees and plants with some essential oils or other sprays that won’t harm the vegetation to detour them from coming into your yard. Cicadas hate the smells of peppermint, vinegar, and eucalyptus.

Monday Portrait

Becky’s Squares – Burgeoning

God Bless. Thank you for visiting and sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all very much.

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