Birds of the Carolinas #6

The Carib Grackle

(Quiscalus lugubris)

The Carib Grackle also referred to as the Common Grackle is a tropical blackbird which is taller and longer than the typical blackbird. The plumage of Grackles are entirely black, however it has a beautiful glossy iridescent body that may display violets, purples, blues, and greens when the sun is shining on them in just the right manner.

Quiscalus lugubris

Grackles eat almost anything and everything they can find. They commonly eat insects, minnows, frogs, lizards, berries, grains, and even small birds and mice. They will confiscate food from other birds. And sometimes as these Grackles pictured here are exemplifying HOPE for a few morsels of bread crust or crumbs that may get dropped on the ground or scattered for other birds.

Carib Grackle

The Carib Grackle’s song is a mixture of harsh and melodic musical squeaks, croaks, and whistles which seem to sound anywhere from guttural to high-pitched clear whistles. Some people have compared their singing as sounding like a rusty gate.

Carib Grackle
Quiscalus lugubris in Monochrome

If you see them foraging around your yard or picnic table they are scavenging and are hoping you’ll share your food (or at least some bread crumbs) with them.

Birds of the Carolinas 

Bird of the Week 2024

Becky’s #SquareRenewal

Lens-Artists Photography Challenge #299- Hopeful

Photo Credit:©️2024 Deb L. Waters … All Rights Reserved.

Camera: iPhone 14 Pro Max

Location: Huntingtowne Neighbourhood; Gastonia, North Carolina, USA

God Bless. May all your hopes, dreams, and prayers be fulfilled. Take care of yourselves and have a fantastic rest of your week. Thank you for visiting and sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all very much.

11 responses to “Birds of the Carolinas #6”

  1. Interesting! Nice close-ups!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Funny I’m in SC but don’t think I’ve seen a grackle. Maybe I don’t recognize them as they look just a bit like crows??? Thanks for teaching me something about my home!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tina! Where in SC are you located. I’m near the North Carolina border.


  3. What an interesting post and beautiful photos! Your post gives us important insights about grackles and their hopeful ways of living.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve never heard of Grackles before. Wonderful close up shots. I like the Blue Sheen that can be seen in a couple of the photos. A beautiful Bird.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tony! That’s their iridescent shine.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve seen and heard grackles. What a distinctive sound! Thanks for sharing your hopeful images!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. interesting bird. I hope to see them sometime

    Liked by 1 person

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