2024 OWS: Direction

Directions for Where to Go,

What to Do, & How to Act

Where to Go:

First off, let’s look out Trail Maps. Trail Maps let us know what trails are at a location and give us directions to follow for our selected trail route we desire to hike.

Next, we’ll look at Trail Signs that give Directions for which way to go to continue to a specific destination.

Continuing on, we look at trail signs which tell us the rules and how we should behave while we are on the trail. Some of the directions might seem like we should already know how to act while on a trail, but reminders are beneficial for those that need one on common courtesy.

How to Act:

Lastly, we’re looking at signs that give us directions on what we should do. Some remind us to stay Calm, others give us directions on what to do in case of an emergency, while others let us know what (or rather where) not to do.

What to Do & Not to Do:

Debbie’s One Word Sunday-Direction

Photo Credit: ©️Deb L. Waters … All Rights Reserved.

God Bless. Thank you for visiting and sharing your time and thoughts with us. Relax and Stay Calm. Remember y’all are amazing. I appreciate y’all very much.

3 responses to “2024 OWS: Direction”

  1. A very thorough look at signs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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