Let’s Play I Spy as We Travel

Before we head out on the road I suggest we stop and fill up the car with some good old fashioned gasoline ⛽️. I doubt you’ll find these prices nowadays though.

I Spy Something Red

I Spy Red on the Gas Station Sign

Now that we’ve filled up the car 🚘 and made sure we have everything we need, let’s get going on our adventure.

I Spy Red Street Lights

Where are we going you might ask? It doesn’t really matter as long as we have a bit of fun along the way.

I Spy Red Trail Signs

How about we pull over for a while and go on a hike. These signs might direct us on our way.

I Spy Coleman Wearing a Red Shirt

Oh Look, Stairs. Shall we go down them? What might we see when we reach the bottom? Who knows, but let’s go on down and discover what we can find.

I Spy Coleman
Looking Out
Over the Water
at a Dam

Wasn’t that fun? Did you enjoy our little game of I Spy? I know Coleman and I had a great time together on our adventures.

Cee’s Which Way Challenge is fun to join and exciting to see everyone’s take on the challenges. No two people have the exact same perspective and I look forward to seeing y’all’s perspectives. Click Here to link to Cee’s blog.

God Bless. Thank you for traveling with us. I truly hope you enjoyed the adventure. Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts with me. I appreciate y’all very much.

2 responses to “Let’s Play I Spy as We Travel”

  1. Great spying for red on your which way this week!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Cee! It’s fun to add a little twist to the which way sometimes. Gave a fantastic weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

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